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The Ideas Behind What We Eat

       Food is such an odd thing.  Do we have time to grab breakfast? Where should we go for lunch today?  What should we make for dinner?  I really need to go grocery shopping.  And then there's the cleanup!  We spend so much of our time thinking about, planning, and preparing our food, but most of us really don't put much thought into what we are eating.

       Don't get me wrong, we spend plenty of time thinking about what we'd like to eat.  For those that are more health conscientious, there's a lot of thinking about what we shouldn't eat (hmmm maybe that 4th piece of pizza isn't the best idea).  Then there are the super health conscientious; the diet gurus.  Count calories, cut out carbs, count your macros, eat allll the fats.  But what does that leave us with?  Kale and sprout salads every meal for the rest of our lives?  I'd like to suggest a different approach.

       The weight-loss led focus on diet is clearly the prevailing idea today, but it often leaves us depleted, unsatisfied, and actually causes more harm than good when it comes to our physical health.  We've been trying to change the effect (excess weight) without addressing the cause (lack of proper nutrition). Let's shift our focus to taking care of our bodies; using food as a weapon to fight inflammation, fatigue, poor gut health, high cholesterol, disease, eczema, brain fog, and all of the other constant nagging issues that we've come to accept as normal.  And let's do it in a way where we truly enjoy our food because it just tastes that good!  

       Unfortunately, there's a fair bit more to fully restoring your body to complete health than just cutting back on the sugar and eating your veggies.  Most people who pursue this type of lifestyle have done a ridiculous amount of research in order to learn just what the body needs, what foods best fulfill those needs, and how best to prepare and consume them in order to extract the full benefits.  Then taking all of that information and turning it into food that tastes great is a whole new challenge.  But now all of that information has been boiled down into quick videos that include full, family approved, superfood powerhouse recipes.  Sometimes paleo, whole 30, or keto approved (always labeled so you'll know just what will work for you), and always including possible substitutions to make the recipes completely customizable to each person's individual health needs.

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