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Let Them Eat Kale!


Kitchen Sink Salad:

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” - Edison

"Our bodies are our gardens - our wills are our gardeners." - Shakespeare

"The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system." - Peale

“The best doctor gives the least medicine.” - Franklin

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.." - Proverbs 17:22

"He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors." - Chinese Proverb

"By cleansing your body on a regular basis and eliminating as many toxins as possible from your environment, your body can begin to heal itself, prevent disease, and become stronger and more resilient than you ever dreamed possible!" - Dr. Edward Group III

Now admittedly, there is a bit of a dispute over whether Edison was the true speaker of the aforementioned quote, or whether it was attributed to him posthumously based on the beliefs he espoused during his life. However, all of these quotes portray a common belief of the most forward thinking men throughout the ages - the belief that a healthy lifestyle is primary to maintaining a healthy body and mind, whereas pharmaceutical medicine is secondary by far. To be perfectly and unmistakably clear, I am not opposed to traditional medicine, nor do I think it wise to ignore seeking medical attention for obvious health concerns. However, the research proving that a lifestyle geared towards natural and nutrient focused food, moderate and consistent exercise, adequate rest, and a healthy control over the stress imposed on the body, clearly proves that traditional medicine should be needed far less frequently than we’ve come to consider normal. This ideology is especially relevant right now when the potential for contracting a serious illness with potentially dire consequences is at an abnormal high.

The truth is that regardless of any worldwide pandemic, we should always be purposefully seeking to prepare our bodies for any unseen threat to our health. Ravi Zacharius recently wrote an article reflecting on his current cancer treatment, in which he wrote, “Cancer is literally one rogue cell that begins to replicate itself, bringing death closer each day and overtaking a genuine, life-giving cell.” ( The idea that cancer starts as one singular cell is so obvious, and yet not at all how we tend to think about it. Because by the time we know about it that one cell has replicated itself to the point where it has more of an impact on the body than the remaining healthy life-giving cells. But the truth is that every single one of us, no matter how careful and purposeful we are, has these mutated cancer cells just waiting to replicate and take over healthy cells. So what stands between the cancer cells that never materialize, and the cancer cells that inflict fear and dread at the thought of them? Our own body’s natural defense response. Our bodies have been designed to combat these rogue cells before they’re able to build up enough strength to cause issues, but how we treat out bodies impedes their ability to do their job effectively. I’d like to apologize for the abnormal heaviness, but unfortunately these absolute facts typically don’t hit home in a personal way until your life, or a loved one’s life, is at stake - it certainly didn’t for us! And although I would never say that “by then it’s too late”, it would be foolish to pretend that waiting that long doesn’t prolong and intensify the complications associated with these issues.

But as always, taking care of our bodies in no way means that we have to dread our dinner plate every night! This particular recipe has evolved over the last 2 years purely based on what I had in the fridge that day, and somehow it just keeps getting better! It started out as just quinoa, kale, and some spices. The quinoa alone makes this dish a nutritional knockout, with concentrated protein, all of the essential amino acids, fiber, enough vitamins and minerals to replace your daily multivitamin, as well as abundant antioxidants. This pasta impersonator is actually part of the same taxonomic family as spinach, and the beet! Kale’s reputation precedes itself and has good reason to be one of the most nutritionally reputable cruciferous vegetables; touting numerous health benefits including lowering cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease, providing vitamins and minerals not commonly found in other foods, protecting the eyes, and even weight loss. Adding additional superfoods such as cumin, coriander, red grapes, oranges, and mint takes this meal over the top health wise, and speaking for our own family, makes it a dish that you’ll be reaching for time and time again.

So do take the risks of an unhealthy lifestyle seriously! Do understand the potential for issues associated with not taking care of your health. But do allow that knowledge to drive you, not towards fear or dread, but towards the freedom of knowing that our bodies are designed to handle far more than we give them credit for. All we have to do is not get in their way!

Kitchen Sink Salad Recipe:

4 C Cooked Quinoa *

4 C Fresh Kale

1/4 C Olive Oil

1/2 C Raisins

1 C Pistachios

1 C Red Seedless Grapes

1 Orange Cut into Slices

1 Orange Juiced and Zested

1/2 Lemon Juiced

1/2 C Chives

1 Tbsp Cumin

1 tsp Coriander

1/2 C Mint

Salt and Pepper to Taste

Cook quinoa according to package directions. While quinoa is cooking, shred kale into confetti sized pieces and massage with oil. Cut grapes into quarters, chop pistachios, chives, and mint. Add all ingredients together and mix thoroughly.

*Note 1: For a better flavor, cook the quinoa in an organic, sugar free bone broth.

**Note 2: Can substitute orange and lemon oil instead of juice and zest.

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